Skinfluencer Medspa Privacy Policy

At Skinfluencer Medspa, Inc., (hereinafter, “SkinfluencerMedspa,”“Company,” “us,” or “we”), we respect and protect the privacy ofvisitors to our website, www.Skinfluencer, and the other websitesunder the Skinfluencer domain (collectively, the “Sites”), and ourcustomers who use our SaaS product,tools, and related services (together withthe Sites, the “Service”).

This Global Privacy Policy (“Policy”) explainshow we collect,use, disclose, and protect visitors’ and users’ information aspart of the Service. Any discussion of your use of the Service in this Policyis meant to include your visits and other interactions with the Sites andServices, whether or not you are a user of Skinfluencer Medspa’s SaaS product.

By accessing and using our Service, yousignify your acceptance to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do notagree with or you are not comfortable with any aspect of this Privacy Policy,you should immediately discontinue access or use of our Services.


Welcome to Skinfluencer Medspa's GlobalPrivacy Policy! In these boxes, you'll find our plain-English privacy policy.This part isn’t legally binding — it’s just an aid for understanding the legal language.

Protecting your privacy is incrediblyimportant to us. ThisGlobal Privacy Policy is here to help you understand howwe treat any personalinformation that you share with us when you use SkinfluencerMedspa and/or visitour various sites.

As is standard, your continued use of SkinfluencerMedspa means you agree with this policy.

1. What “Personal Information” means

In this Policy, “Personal Information” meansinformation or aninformation set that identifies or could be used to identifyan individualdirectly or indirectly. Except as described in this Policy, SkinfluencerMedspawill not give, sell, rent, or loan any Personal Information to any thirdparty.

Personal Information does not include “UsageData” which wedefine as encoded or anonymized information or aggregated data wecollect abouta group or category of services, features, or users which does notcontainpersonally identifying information. Usage Data helps us understandtrends inusage of the Service so that we can better consider new features orotherwisetailor the Service. In addition to collecting and using Usage Dataourselves,we may share Usage Data with third parties, including our customers,partnersand service providers, for various purposes, including to help usbetterunderstand our customers’ needs and improve the Service as well as for advertisingand marketing purposes.


“Personal Information” is information someonecan use to identify you. 

2. How we collect, use, and share yourPersonalInformation and other information

a. Information you provide to us

When you register for the Service, we may askfor PersonalInformation such as your name, email address, or credit card orother billinginformation. You may also provide at your own discretion certainrelatedinformation like your personal website name, social media websites, alist ofyour skills, the date you started using the Service, and a descriptionofyourself. Additionally, as you employ the Sites to create websites,thesoftware continuously saves changes made by you with the server andwilldocument items such as when you are working and saving changes, when youlastopened the Designer, when sites are published, or when you performcertaintasks.

We may also retain the contents of anymessages you send to us or through the Service, and we may collect informationyou provide in user content that you post or upload to the Service (“UserContent”).

Skinfluencer Medspa may use PersonalInformation provided to operate, improve upon, and personalize the Service, forbilling identification and authentication, to contact and communicate with youabout the Service and your use of the Service, to support use of the Service,to send marketing materials for research purposes, and to generally improve thecontent and functionality of the Service.

We may also combine your Personal Informationwith third-party analytics information to build a broader profile of ourindividual users so that we can serve you better and provide custom,personalized content and information. Additionally, we may use the PersonalInformation we collect for identification and authentication and fraudprevention, to analyze Site usage and improve the Service, for internal marketresearch, troubleshooting problems, to enforce our Terms of Service, and asotherwise set forth in this Policy.

Note that we will never email you to ask foryour account information. If you ever receive such an email, please forward itto

We use financial information solely asauthorized by you in accordance with the Service. While Skinfluencer Medspadoes not store your credit card information and will use commerciallyreasonable efforts to ensure the security of all credit card and all otherPersonal Information, we expressly disclaim any liability for any unauthorizedaccess to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal and/orfinancial information stored therein,and you agree to hold Skinfluencer Medspaharmless for any damages that may result therefrom.

b. Information we may receive from and share withthird parties

Skinfluencer Medspa may share PersonalInformation with its third-party service providers (such as its credit cardprocessors and hosting partners) to provide the necessary hardware, software,networking, storage, and other service we use to operate the Service andmaintain a high-quality user experience. We do not permit our service providersto use the Personal Information we share for their marketing purposes.

c. Application integration

To facilitate the exchange of data betweenthird-party SaaS applications, we may need to store certain information (“AppCredentials”) that helps us access these third-party SaaS application accountson your behalf. We store your App Credentials in an encrypted form.

When we access these third-party applicationson your behalf,the third-party application provides us with access to certaindata. We will use, store, and disclose this data in accordance with thisPolicy.

You should note that Skinfluencer Medspa shallhave no liability or responsibility for the privacy practices or other actionsof any third-party applications for which you provide us with App Credentials.

d. Log file information

We collect certain technical information fromthe visitors to our customers’ websites. The information that our web serverslog about our Service customers’ site visitors includes Internet Protocol (IP)address; the date/time a webpage or feature is accessed; the user agent stringthat identifies the browser or operating system to the server; installedfonts;mime-types; browser language and timezone; Silverlight data; installedplugins;HTTP headers; and screen resolution.

Skinfluencer Medspa uses this information inorder to monitor thevolume of our customers’ website traffic. We do this, forinstance, tofacilitate customer billing when a tiered pricing plan is based onthe numberof unique visitors to a customer’s website. We also use thistechnicalinformation for our own analytical purposes, such as to measure howmanycustomers have published active websites using our Service. Lastly, we mayusethis information to create separate analytics products that we offertocustomers--using information that is not directly identifiable toanyindividual--to help customers visualize how their site is being used, totrackconversions, and to provide other measurement metrics.

e. Other information sharing

We may be required to disclose PersonalInformation to respondto subpoenas, court orders, and law enforcement orgovernmental requests orinvestigations, or to establish or exercise our legalrights or defend againstlegal claims. We may also share Personal Information ifwe believe it is necessaryin order to investigate, prevent, or take actionregarding illegal activities,suspected fraud, situations involving potentialthreats to the physical safetyof any person, violations or our Terms ofService, or as otherwise required bylaw.

We use or may use information collected bycookies, log files,device identifiers, and clear GIFs information to:

(a) remember information so that you willnot have tore-enter it during your visit or the next time you visit the site

(b) provide custom, personalized contentand information

(c) to provide and monitor theeffectiveness of our Service

(d) monitor aggregate metrics such astotal number ofvisitors, traffic, and demographic patterns

(e) diagnose or fix technology problems

(f) help you efficiently access yourinformation after yousign in

(g) to provide advertising to yourbrowser or device, and

(h) automatically update the SkinfluencerMedspa applicationon your mobile devices.


We ask for certain information, like yourname, email address,and account credentials, to use Skinfluencer Medspa. We usethis information torun Skinfluencer Medspa and other things mentioned in thispolicy (like loggingand analytics). We also continuously save your work to keepit safe.

Skinfluencer Medspa won't sell or rent yourpersonal informationto a third party.

Sometimes we aggregate user data anonymouslyto understand ourcustomer base better.

We may connect with third-party services toimprove yourexperience. These features are governed by the respective company'sprivacypolicy, so review your privacy settings there.

We collect some information from youautomatically using cookiesso we know when things go wrong, or to help usunderstand what parts of Skinfluencer Medspaneed some improvement.

Sometimes the law orsubpoenas require us toshare information. We may also sometimes need to useinformation to investigateand prevent wrongful actions.

3. Links to other websites

The Service contains links to websites andapplications otherthan the Service, including websites and applicationsoperated by affiliatesand other third parties. This Policy applies only toinformation collected bythe Service.

Skinfluencer Medspa does not endorse and isnot responsible forthe practices of third parties or their websites orapplications. We do notdetermine and are not responsible for the privacypractices or the content ofwebsites or applications operated by third parties.Your browsing andinteraction on any third-party website or service, includingthose that have alink on our website, are subject to that third party’s ownrules and policies.

We are not responsible for and we do notcontrol any thirdparties that you authorize to access your User Content. If youare using athird-party website or service and you allow such a third-partyaccess to yourUser Content, you do so at your own risk.


We sometimes link tothird-party websites andservices. Your use of those sites and services isgoverned by their respectivepolicies, not ours. So be careful out there,folks.

4. Customer testimonials / comments / reviews

From time to time, wepost customertestimonials on the Sites which may contain Personal Information.We always obtainthe customers’ consent prior to posting their names along withtheirtestimonials.

5. Protection of information

Skinfluencer Medspa is committed to ensuringthe security of yourPersonal Information. We use commercially reasonabletechnological, physical,and administrative security safeguards, such asfirewalls and carefullydeveloped security features, to protect theconfidentiality and security of yourPersonal Information within the Service andthe Sites. When you enterconfidential information (such as login credentials orinformation submittedfrom within the Service) we encrypt the transmission ofthat information usingsecure socket layer technology (SSL). These technologies,procedures, and othermeasures are used in an effort to ensure that your data issafe, secure, andonly available to you and to those you authorized to accessyour data. However,no internet, email, or other electronic transmission is everfully secure orerror-free, so you should take care in deciding what informationyou send to usin this way. Skinfluencer Medspa is not responsible for thefunctionality orsecurity measures of any third party.


The security of yourinformation is extremelyimportant to us. We take many steps to ensure yourpersonal information is safeby using commercially reasonable technology andsecurity safeguards. We are notresponsible for the security measures of anythird party.

6. Hosting and data transfer

We are based in the United States, but, unlesswe expresslyagree otherwise (including through our Terms), we may host,transfer, andprocess data, including Personal Information, in the United Statesand in othercountries through Skinfluencer Medspa and third parties that we useto operateand manage the Service.  These countries may have dataprotection lawsthat are different from those of your country of residence. SkinfluencerMedspauses a variety of safeguards, including contractual and technicalmeasures, toprotect the data we transfer.

If you are located in the United Kingdom(“UK”), European Union(“EU”), European Economic Area (“EEA”) or Switzerland,please see Skinfluencer Medspa’sEU & Swiss Privacy Policy. SkinfluencerMedspa is certified under the EU-U.S.and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks.We recognize that the Court ofJustice of the European Union ruled in July 2020that a certification under theEU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework no longer canserve as the basis by whichentities subject to the GDPR export PersonalInformation to countries whoselaws have not been recognized by the EuropeanCommission as providing a highlevel of protection for the information. Asaffected customers who relied onlyon our Privacy Shield certificationtransition to the use of Standard ContractualClauses and other methods fortransferring Personal Information to Skinfluencer Medspaunder the GDPR, SkinfluencerMedspa will continue to honor our obligation tocomply with the Privacy ShieldPrinciples with respect to such information. Ifyou reside in a country thatpermits cross-border transfers of PersonalInformation under EU data transfermechanisms, please refer to the EU& Swiss Privacy Policy for moreinformation.


We’re based in the United States, but we mayhost, transfer, orprocess data in other countries through third parties thatmanage our service.By using our service, you are agreeing to this use of datain other countries,which may have different privacy laws.  If you’re inthe United Kingdom(UK), European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) orSwitzerland, checkout EU & Swiss Privacy Policy.

TL;DR: We offerStandard Contractual Clausesfor the protection of personal data that customersexport to us from the UK orEEA.

7. Choice

We process and store information on behalf ofour customers. Youmay decline to submit any Personal Information through theService, in whichcase we may not be able to provide certain services to you.

Please refer to your mobile device orbrowser’s technicalinformation for instructions on how to delete and disablecookies, and othertracking / recording tools. Note that disabling cookies onyour mobile device orbrowser may prevent us or our business partners fromtracking your browser’sactivities in relation to the Service. However, doing somay disable many ofthe features available through the Service. You may opt-outindividually forthird-party vendors on their websites, but limitations on datasharing may makeit difficult or impossible to provide the Service after anopt-out.  Youmay also opt out of interest-based advertising provided byparticipating adservers through the Digital Advertising Alliance(,the Network Advertising Initiative(,or the European Interactive DigitalAdvertising Alliance ( 

California consumers may use the DigitalAdvertising Alliance’stool to send requests under the California ConsumerPrivacy Act (“CCPA”) for aweb browser to opt out of the sale of personalinformation by some or all ofthat framework’s participating companies byaccessing the DAA’s toolhere:,or by downloadingthe DAA’s AppChoices mobile application opt-outhere:

The AppChoices app is not limited to opt-outsfor CCPA purposesand may be used by anyone to limit the collection of cross-appdata forinterest-based advertising purposes by participating DAA member companies.


You can decline togive us certain personalinformation, though that may impact some of ourservices (more on that inour CookiePolicy). You can also optout of receiving marketinginformation from Skinfluencer Medspa.

8. Correcting and updating your information

Customers may update, delete, or change yourPersonalInformation you have provided Skinfluencer Medspa by loggingin tothe Service and providing such additional information ordeleting suchinformation where applicable. If you are not our customer andwould like to gainaccess to, or request deletion of, information we havecollected, please contactus at We will usecommercially reasonable efforts to respond tosuch queries within a reasonabletime. Skinfluencer Medspa has no directrelationship with the individuals orcompanies (“End Users”) with whom you mayinteract using the Service. Any suchEnd Users seeking access to, or who wouldlike to correct, amend, or deletedata which may be stored in the Service shoulddirect their query to theapplicable Skinfluencer Medspa customer acting as thedata controller for suchinformation.


You can always accessand manage your personalinformation through your Skinfluencer Medspa account, orby emailing us at

9. Data retention

Skinfluencer Medspa will retain PersonalInformation we process onbehalf of our customers or collect directly from ourcustomers for as long asneeded to provide Service to our customers, subject toour compliance with thisPolicy, or as required or permitted under theapplicable law. We may furtherretain and use this Personal Information asnecessary to comply with our legalobligations; maintain accurate accounting,financial, and other operationalrecords; resolve disputes; and enforce ouragreements. We have establishedinternal policies for the deletion of data fromcustomer accounts followingtermination of a customer’s subscription to theService.


We keep your personalinformation until we nolonger need it to provide you with the service. We mayalso keep your personalinformation if required by law or to keep our internalrecords accurate. Onceyou terminate your account, we’ll delete your personalinformation, unless we'rerequired by law to retain it.

10. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may, in our sole discretion, modify orupdate this Policyfrom time to time. If we make any material changes to thisPolicy, we willendeavor to notify you by email or by posting a prominent noticeon the Sitesprior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you toperiodically reviewthis page for the latest information on our privacypractices. Your continueduse of the Service constitutes your acceptance to suchchanges to this Policy.If you do not accept the terms of this Policy, youshould immediatelydiscontinue use of the Service.


We may change ourprivacy policy from time totime. If we make any major changes, we’ll let youknow by email or by a prominentnotice on our site(s). As mentioned above, yourcontinued use of the servicemeans you agree to be bound by this privacypolicy, so be sure to check itoccasionally.

11. Business transactions

Skinfluencer Medspa mayassign or transfer thisPolicy, and your user account and related PersonalInformation, to any person orentity that acquires all or substantially all ofthe business, stock or assetsof, or is merged with Skinfluencer Medspa. We mayalso transfer or assign suchinformation in the course of corporatedivestitures, mergers, acquisitions,bankruptcies, dissolutions, or similartransactions or proceedings, providedthat the recipient of such informationwill continue to be bound by the terms ofthis Privacy Policy.